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Politique de confidentialité

Updated October 2021.

What does this policy cover

Welcome to Blais Sales & Services Inc. and GenXpert, the online and mobile service of Blais Sales and Service Inc. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect information that applies to our Service, and your choices about the collection and use of your information. Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meaning given to them in our Terms of Ce. If you do not want your information processed following this Privacy Policy in general or any part of it, you should not use our online or mobile services. This policy applies to all users of the Blais Sales & Services, including, but not limited to users of our Developer Portal.

Welcome, here is our policy on privacy. Our privacy policy, if you will.

Summary: This policy sets out how Blais Sales & Service Inc. collects and uses the information that we collect about you when you use the Blais Sales & Service Inc. services. This policy also explains the choices that you can make about the way that we use your information.



We collect the following types of information about you:

(a) Information you provide c directly

We may ask for certain information when you register for a Blais Sales & Service Inc. account or correspond with  (such as a username, your first and last names, phone number, business name, and e-mail address).

, personal description) which will be associated with your posts and activity.

We also collect any messages you send c through the Service and may collect the information you provide in User Content you post to the Service We use this information to operate, maintain, and provide the features and functionality of the Service to you, to correspond with you, and to address any issues you raise about the Service.

If you don’t provide your personal information to c, you may not be able to access or use our Service or Community or your experience of using our Service or Community may not be as enjoyable.

Summary: If you give c info about you, we will keep it and use it to provide our Service and make our service better.


We may receive information about you from third parties. For example, if you access our websites or Service through a third-party connection or log-in, for example, through Facebook Connect, by “following,” “liking,” adding the Blais Sales & Service Inc. application, linking your account to the Blais Sales & Service Inc.  Service, etc., that third party may pass certain information about your use of its service to Blais Sales & Service Inc. . This information could include, but is not limited to, the user ID associated with your account (for example, your Facebook UID), an access token necessary to access that service, any information that you have permitted the third party to share with c, and any information you have made public in connection with that service. You should always review, and if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on third-party websites and services before linking or connecting them to the Blais Sales & Service Inc.  Service. You may also unlink your third-party account from the Service by adjusting your settings on the third-party service. If you unlink your third-party account, we will no longer receive information collected about you in connection with that service. We may also receive information about you and your engagement with our advertisements from our ad servers, ad networks, and social media platforms. And if you choose to integrate with a third-party application to incorporate elements into your designs, enhance media, supercharge your workflow or share to social media, we could receive data from such apps (as well as disclose to such apps as set out below).

Summary: When you use our Service, third parties might give c some info about you, especially if you are signed in to a third-party account while using our Service. When you choose to link your social media account with our Services such as by logging in through Facebook or Gmail, your social media account provider (such as Google and Facebook) will give c some info about you such as your Facebook user identification number.


We will directly collect analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools, to help c measure traffic and cage trends for the Service. These tools collect information sent by your browser or mobile device, including the pages you visit and other information (in respect of which, please see the paragraph on log file information below) that assists c in improving the Service. For more information on the analytics cookies we use and how to opt-out of third-parties collecting this information, please see our Cookies Policy.

Summary: To help us improve our service we keep info about how you use our service.


When you visit the Service, we (and our third-party partners) will send cookies — small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters — to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser and lets Blais Sales & Service Inc. do things like help you log in faster, enhance your navigation through the site, remembering your preferences and generally improve the user experience. Cookies also convey information to c about how you use the Service (e.g., the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take on the Service), and allow c or our business partners to track your cage of the Service over time. They also allow c to deliver personalized advertisements that may be of interest to you and measure their effectiveness.

You can control or reset your cookies and similar technologies through your web browser, which will allow you to customize your cookie preferences and to refuse all cookies, or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the Service may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled. For more information on how we use cookies and other technologies and how you can control them, please read our Cookies Policy.

Summary: We will send cookies (not the yummy kind) to your web browser to help you us at Blais Sales & Service Inc. and for other business purposes. For more information on how we use cookies and how you can control them, please see our Cookies Policy.


Logfile information is automatically reported by your browser or mobile device each time you access the Service. When you use our Service, our servers automatically record certain log file information. These server logs may include anonymous information such as your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, referring / exit pages and URLs, several clicks and how you interact with links on the Service, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, and other such information.

Summary: Whenever you load a page from Blais Sales & Service Inc., your browser sends c info about itself and your interactions with our Service. That info gets stored on our servers.


When you access the Service by or through a mobile device (including but not limited to smartphones or tablets), we may access, collect, monitor, and/or remotely store one or more “device identifiers,” such as a universally unique identifier (“UUID”). Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures stored on or associated with your mobile device, which uniquely identify your mobile device. A device identifier may be data stored in connection with the device hardware, data stored in connection with the device’s operating system or other software, or data sent to the device by Blais Sales & Service Inc. . A device identifier may convey information to c about how you browse and use the Service. A device identifier may remain persistently on your device, to help you log in faster and enhance your navigation through the Service. Some features of the Service may not function properly if the use or availability of device identifiers is impaired or disabled. Device Identifiers by Blais Sales & Service Inc. include the Android Advertising ID and iOS Advertising Identifier.

Summary: To track how different people are using our Service we might store a unique ID on your mobile that helps c do that.


Blais Sales & Service Inc. collects information to understand where its carts are located for several reasons. It helps Blais Sales & Service Inc. to localize and personalize content, undertake aggregated analytics, understand if its users are from homes, businesses or schools, improve advertising efficiency and estimate the tax liability of Blais Sales & Service Inc.

Blais Sales & Service Inc.  may collect your precise or approximate location:

– from you, when you provide, correct or confirm your location ( e.g. when you purchase products from c);

– by inferring your location from your IP address; and

– from our partners or your payment provider.

Summary: Blais Sales & Service Inc. may collect and use your location data for personalization, analytics, advertising, and tax purposes.



We use the information we collect about you for the purposes set out above which we have described in more detail below:

  • Providing you with the Service: We use the information that you provide c to provide the Service to you. This includes allowing you to log in to Blais Sales & Service Inc., operating and maintaining the Service, giving you access to your designs, and billing you for transactions that you make via the Service. We also use the information we collect about you automatically to remember information about you so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the site.
  • For data analytics: We use information about you to help c improve the Blais Sales & Service Inc.  Service and our user’s experience, including by monitoring aggregate metrics such as the total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns.
  • promotions based on your use of the Service, and your preferences. You can opt out of getting these communications as described below.
  • For advertising purposes: We use information about you, including cookies information and other information we (and our third-party partners) collect from you automatically, to serve and measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Service and third-party sites and platforms.
  • For security measures: We use information about you to monitor activity that we think is suspicious or potentially fraudulent, and to identify violations of this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Service.
  • For matters that you have specifically consent to From time to time, Blais Sales & Service Inc. may seek your consent to use your information for a particular purpose. Where you consent to our doing so, we will use it for that purpose. Where you no longer want us to use your information for that purpose you may withdraw your consent to this use.
  • For matters that we are required to use your information by law: Blais Sales & Service Inc. will use or disclose your information where we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (a) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (b) to enforce our Terms or to protect the security or integrity of our Service; and/or (c) to exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Blais Sales & Service Inc., our Users or others.

Summary: These are the reasons that Blais Sales & Service Inc. needs to use information about you.

  1. Sharing your information

We will not share your information with third parties outside Blais Sales & Service Inc.  and its group companies (including any parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates) without your consent, except as noted in this section:

Summary: We won’t share your personal information except as follows:


We share your information with third-party service providers to provide the Service to you that is useful and safe and to facilitate Blais Sales & Service Inc.’s legitimate interests. Those service providers will only be provided with access to your information as is reasonably necessary for the purpose that Blais Sales & Service Inc. has engaged the service provider, and we will require that such third parties comply with this Privacy Policy, appropriate data processing terms, and any applicable laws.

Some of the third parties that Blais Sales & Service Inc.  may share your personal information with include providers who assist Blais Sales & Service Inc.  with functions such as:

  • Billing;
  • Customer support and customer management;
  • Email services;
  • Hosting and storage;
  • Analytics;
  • Data labeling and machine learning;
  • Security;
  • Delivery of physical products; and

Your information collected through the Service will be stored and processed in Canada where Blais Sales & Service Inc. or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or service providers maintain facilities. Blais Sales & Service Inc. transfer information that we collect about you, including personal information,

Summary: To run our service we’ll have to use computers all over the world.


Blais Sales & Service Inc. cares about the security of your information and uses appropriate safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of all information collected through the Service. To protect your privacy and security, we take reasonable steps (such as requesting a unique password) to verify your identity before granting you access to your account. You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your unique password and account information, and for controlling access to your email communications from Blais Sales & Service Inc., at all times. However, Blais Sales & Service Inc. cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to Blais Sales & Service Inc. or guarantee that information on the Service may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed. Your privacy settings may also be affected by changes to the functionality of third-party sites and services that you add to the Blais Sales & Service Inc.  Service, such as social networks. Blais Sales & Service Inc. is not responsible for the functionality or security measures of any third party.

Summary: We care about the safety of your data and, have implemented industry-recognized measures to protect it, but unfortunately we can’t guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen to it. (A troop of rabid baboons springs to mind).


If any information under our control is compromised as a result of a breach of security, Blais Sales & Service Inc. will take reasonable steps to investigate the situation and where appropriate, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised and take other steps, by any applicable laws and regulations.

Summary: If there is a breach of our security we will investigate it and let any affected users know.

  1. Your choices about your information


(a) You control your account information and settings

You may update your account information by logging into your account and changing your profile settings. You can also stop receiving promotional email communications from c by clicking on the “unsubscribe link” provided in such communications. We make every effort to promptly process all unsubscribe requests.

You may not opt-out of Service-related communications (e.g., account verification, purchase and billing confirmations and reminders, changes/updates to features of the Service, technical and security notices) although you can object to c providing these emails by emailing info@mrbss.ca.com.

If you have any questions about reviewing or modifying your account information, you can contact c directly at info@mrbss.ca.com.

Summary: You have control over your account settings, such as your account information and marketing email notifications, but there’s some important stuff we’ll always send you. If you have any questions about reviewing or modifying your account information, you can contact c directly at info@mrbss.ca.com.


Please refer to your mobile device or browser’s technical information for instructions on how to delete and disable cookies, and other tracking/recording tools. Depending on your type of device, it may not be possible to delete or disable tracking mechanisms on your mobile device. Note that disabling cookies and/or other tracking tools prevents Blais Sales & Service Inc. or its business partners from tracking your browser’s activities to the Service, and force in targeted advertising activities by Blais Sales & Service Inc., including via third parties’ websites. However, doing so may disable many of the features available through the Service. If you have any questions about opting out of the collection of cookies and other tracking/recording tools, please read our Cookies Policy or you can contact us directly at info@mrbss.ca.com.

If you want c to stop collecting information about you, there may be some settings you can adjust in your browser or device. But Blais Sales & Service Inc. might be pretty boring without it.


The laws of some countries grant particular rights in respect of personal information. In certain circumstances, users in the EEA have the right to:

  • Request a copy of your information;
  • Request that we correct inaccuracies relating to your information;
  • Request that your information be deleted or that we restrict access to it;
  • Request a structured electronic version of your information; and
  • Object to our use of your information.

Should you wish to request in respect of your personal information please contact c at info@mrbss.ca You also have the right to object to our processing of personal data about you to send you marketing and we will stop processing data for that purpose.

In some circumstances, Blais Sales & Service Inc. will not be able to comply with a request that you make in respect of your data. If we are unable to remove any of your information, we will let you know why. For example, we may not be able to provide a copy of your information where it infringes on the rights of another User.

If we are unable to resolve your request, or if you are concerned about a potential violation, you also have the option to report the issue or make a complaint to the data protection authority in your jurisdiction. Where you have provided your consent to certain processing and no longer want c to use your information for that purpose, you may withdraw your consent to this use, although this will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Please see paragraph “You control your account information and settings” for more options on how to opt out of marketing communications.

Summary: You may have specific rights to your information depending on where you live.

  1. How long we keep your information

Following termination or deactivation of your User account, Blais Sales & Service Inc. will retain your profile information and User Content for a commercially reasonable time, and for as long as we have a valid purpose to do so. In particular, Blais Sales & Service Inc. will retain your information to comply with its legal and audit obligations, and for backup and archival purposes.

Summary: We retain your profile information and user content to provide our Service to you and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.


  1. Links to other websites and services

We are not responsible for the practices employed by websites or services linked to or from the Service, including the information or content contained therein. Please remember that when you use a link to go from the Service to another website, our Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites or services. Your browsing and interaction on any third-party website or service, including those that have a link or advertisement on our website, are subject to that third party’s own rules and policies. In addition, you acknowledge that we are not responsible for and we do not exercise control over any third parties that you authorize to access your User Content.

If you are using a third-party website or service (like Facebook) and you allow such third-party access to the User Content you do so at your own risk. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information we collect by other means (including offline) or from other sources other than through the Service.

Summary: The Internet. It’s made of links. If we post a link to a third-party website on Blais Sales & Service Inc., we can’t control what happens on the other end. The same goes if you let another site use your data on Blais Sales & Service Inc.; the use of your information will be governed by the Privacy Policy of the third party.




We may update this policy from time to time to reflect our current practice and ensure compliance with applicable laws. When we post changes to this policy, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy. If we make any material changes to the way we collect, use, store and/or share your personal information, we will notify you with a notice on our website and/by sending an email to the email address associated with your Blais Sales & Service Inc. account. We recommend that you check this page from time to time to inform yourself of any changes.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Service, or wish to make a complaint please contact c at:

  • Email: info@mrbss .ca.
  • Blais Sales & Service Inc.

    140 Clément St.
    Vars, ON K0A 3H0

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